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'Registered Sick Children`s Nurses'

During their education all nurses gain some experience on children's (paediatric) wards, but some receive additional specialist training to become Registered Sick Children's Nurses. Some hospitals also have hospital play specialists who play with children on the wards, and may also help prepare them for admission or with difficult problems. Hospital based teachers provide lessons for children of school age. This may be in consultation with the child's school. If your child is going to be admitted to hospital you should be able to arrange a visit to the ward in advance. This should help to make the hospital seem less strange and frightening.

There are also books and leaflets designed to prepare children for hospital. A variety of these, including guides on coping with pain and the fear of needles, are available from Action for Sick Children, Argyle House, 29-31 Euston Road, London NW1 2SD Tel: 0171 833 2041.

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