In some cases, your Social Security benefits are affected if you leave the UK for more than a few weeks. For example, if you or your child leave the UK for longer than eight weeks, you cannot usually get Child Benefit or One Parent Benefit and these benefits cannot be paid into a foreign bank account.
You can usually get your Retirement Pension paid anywhere abroad if you are away for long periods. But if you are away for less than six months and are paid by order book, you can let it build up and cash the orders when you get home. You may not be able to get pension increases while you are abroad.
Income Support is not normally payable when you go abroad, though there are exceptional circumstances such as temporary absences when payment of Income Support may continue for a limited period. Check with your local Benefits Agency office (address will be in your telephone directory).
- For general information on Social Security abroad get leaflets 'NI38 Social Security abroad' (for countries not in the European Economic Area) and 'SA 29 Your Social Security, Insurance Benefits And Health Care Rights In The European Community, And In Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway' (for countries in the European Economic Area). Available from either the Contributions Agency, International Services, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE98 1YX or the Pensions and Overseas Directorate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE98 1BA.