Research in the NHS is funded from a wide variety of sources, including the Medical Research Council, health authorities, and medical research charities. For more information contact: Association of Medical Research Charities, 29-35 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JB Tel:0171 404 6454.
Spending on NHS Research and Development (R&D) will total £425 million for 1997/8. Of that, the annual budget for primary care R & D will be increased from £30 million to £50 million within five years.
With the establishment of the NHS Research and Development (R&D) Strategy in 1991, particular emphasis is being placed on evaluating the benefits - or otherwise - of treatments and other interventions. As it is patients who are most directly affected by decisions made on the use of treatments, it is they who have the greatest interest in these decisions being based on the best research evidence. Furthermore, members of the public have the greatest interest in the NHS using cost effective treatments because they are the ultimate funders of the service. There is increasing interest in the possibilities of providing consumers with clear information about the research evidence on the effectiveness and outcomes of treatments.