NHS 50
Your NHS
NHS Staff
NHS Staff
keeping in touch


Here are a selection of messages that have already been received. If you do manage to get in touch with the people you're looking for, do let us know - we might even ask if we can do a feature of your success story on the site!


I am trying to get in touch with two people who I used to share a flat with when I was working at RNOH Stanmore. They are: Susan Kenny (last known to be living in Australia) and Julie Amner. I was Wendy Whitcombe when I last saw them. I now live in the USA. Wendy Sterritt, WSterritt@aol.com


Hello to anyone who knows me. You can get in touch with me at Dia121156@aol.com. Diane Copeland

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Moiors Ross/Newstead, sister at the Royal in Liverpool in 1983, moved to Norfolk and then to Cambridge? We are organising a reunion in Liverpool on June 19th/20th staying at the Adelphi. Would love to make contact again. Debra Lapthorne, walker.lapthorne@virgin.net

I would love to get in touch with any of my old friends from Sister Dora School of Nursing Group 347 July 1983 intake. Please e-mail me so we can catch up on fifteen years of gossip! Jo Williams, J.L.Williams@wlv.ac.uk

I am searching for Dr. Margaret Oates, last heard of in Nottingham, working in Psychiatry. Carolyn May-Sluman, cant@hol.gr

I am Dr Paul davis and I worked with Dr John Treanor at Walton Hospital in 1970 and I would like to make contact with him again . I last heard of him in Australia, Perth. Any chance of getting in touch again? Contact me c/o Eric Holmes.

Stracathro Nurses League is holding it's 50th annual reunion at Stracathro Hospital, Brechin Angus on June 26th & 27th 1998. This year is to be the last annual reunion. We are hoping that as many of the Stracathro trained Nurses, who are now scattered world wide, will be able to attend or send messages which will be read out to those attending the reunion. For more details contact Sheila Stewart.

Dear in touch. My name is Hugh Evans and I am a Urologist working at Kent and Canterbury Hospital. I would like to get in touch with Ms Penelope Durkin who worked at Kent and Canterbury Hospital as a staff nurse in the operating theatres until October 1997, when she moved to the west country near Plymouth. It would be great to hear how she's doing. I would be delighted if you could put us in touch. Yours sincerely J Evans.

I'd like to hear from other MLSO's currently working in any pathology labs around the country. I work in the Walsall NHS Trust. Yours sincerely Chinlum.

Hello. My name is Elaine Mortimer. I commenced my RNMH training at Lea Castle Hospital, Wolverley Kidderminster from 1989 - 1993. I would like to trace anyone who commenced their training during those years...Not Project 2000 only the traditional students. People like, Wendy Priest, Tina Bates, Ian Wroe (moved to Wales), Ros Toomey (may still be in Kidderminster),Colin Wright, Sharon Hambrey, or Mark Want. Many thanks, Elaine Mortimer.

Rena trained in Ballochmyle Hospital R.G.N.1960S.C.M.'61. She then moved to Sunderland Maternity hospital,'61(Newcastle upon Tyne) England, before emigrating, and getting married in Australia. She was my bridesmaid in 1961 October and also visited me in Ayrshire Central Hospital after the birth of my first child. She was born and bred in Patna a small village in Ayrshire, Scotland. Her father was a police officer and I think may have worked in the Newcastle area around 1960. She was brought up by her grandmother - never mentioned her Mother. I don't think this tiny amount of information is all that useful but thank you anyway. Best wishes, Usherkaty@aol.com

I am a health visitor of 11 years who is eager to extend my scope of practice to. encompass the care of children with minor ailments. This would entail learning new skills of physical assessment and nurse-led prescribing. If you are already involved in this type of development please contact me.

'Hong Kong'

I'm John Howes. I worked in the NHS for 19 years up to 1995, mainly in Finance and Information Departments: Coventry AHA (1976-1979), Newcastle DHA (1979-1985), Prescription Pricing Authority (1985-1986), Northern RHA (1986-1989), Yorkshire RHA (1989-1995). I now work for the Hospital Authority in Hong Kong. Anyone remember me? John Howes.

Would be interested to hear from any former colleagues or contacts. I worked at Yorkshire RHA from 1975 until 1995, although the period from Sept 1992 to March 1995 was spent on secondment to the NHS Executive as Branch Head of FCIB-QCM. Most colleagues would remember me from either RAWP work as Senior Assistant - then Prinicipal Assistant Treasurer, planning work as the Planning Manager for West Yorkshire, or more likely as Regional - then National - Coordinator of the Resource Management

Programme or through my work as Chairman of the CIPFA N E Students' Society and Member of CIPFA Council.

After a couple of years as Director of Finance at North Yorkshire Police, and a spell of self-employed consultancy I am now working as a Finance Manager with the Hong Kong Hospital Authority - alongside John Howes. Please get in touch for more details! John Dixon.


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