For the address and telephone number of your nearest clinic, look under Venereal Disease, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) or Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) in the telephone directory. Some health authorities have tape recorded messages giving details of GUM clinics. The numbers of these are also listed in the telephone directory.
You can also find where your nearest sexual health clinic is by contacting:
- The NHS Health Information Service Tel: 0800 665544.
- The Family Planning Association, 2-12 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9FP, Tel: 0171 837 4044 has lists of GUM/Sexual Health clinics around the UK.
- The Family Planning Association Wales, 4 Museum Place. Cardiff, CF1 3BG Tel:01222 342766
- The Family Planning Association Scotland, Unit 10, Firhill Business Centre, 76 Firhill Road, Glasgow, G20 7BA.
- The Family Planning Association Northern Ireland, 113 University Street, Belfast BT7 1HP
- National AIDS Helpline Tel: 0800 567123 Contact times 24 hours, 7 days a week.