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'Getting A Break From Caring'

Having a break from caring is vital to any carer. Having a few hours, a day, a night , or a longer break is essential - not a luxury. Opportunities for care away from home include:

  • Day centres: These can be run by voluntary organisations or Social Services (Health & Social Services Boards in Northern Ireland or Social Work Departments in Scotland). They may be available every day, or only certain days, and there is usually a charge for meals and transport. Contact your Social Services Department for advice on placement at a Day Centre and any help with costs.

  • Lunch Clubs: These are often run for older people or ethnic groups. They usually provide some activities as well as a meal, for which there is a charge. They are usually run by Age Concern or other voluntary groups.

  • Day Hospitals: These are run by the NHS and provide treatment, therapy and rehabilitation for people who are ill or disabled at no cost. There is usually transport provided.

  • Respite care: It may be possible to arrange relief or respite care for a few days in a residential home, hospital, nursing home or hospice. There will usually be a charge and availability will depend on places so make arrangements in advance. Contact your Social Services Department (Health & Social Services Boards in Northern Ireland or Social Work Department in Scotland) for further advice.

Many areas have sitting schemes, which provide care attendants to take over the care for a few hours, so that they can have a break.The largest provider of sitting schemes is Crossroads Care Attendant Schemes. Your Social Services department should know what is available in your area.

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