Voluntary organisations can also offer a wide range of support and services for carers. Some are run by volunteers and some employ paid workers. For information about local groups available contact your local Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) or phone the Health Information Service free on 0800 66 55 44. Alternatively, the Carers' National Association (0345 573369) can tell you if there is a support group or project in your area.
Another option is to pay somebody to provide care. This gives you control over when you get help, what kind of help, and by whom. It is usually possible to get help with costs. There are several ways to get private help with caring:
- the most expensive way is through an agency. They will check references and suitability but also charge a commission. Using an agency can be very useful for short term emergencies however.
- cheaper but harder work is advertising yourself and choosing. You may find people with nursing experience applying for this kind of work. Remember that if you do this, you will have to arrange the person's income tax and national insurance yourself.