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This section gives you an archive of the stories which made it into the national press during 1948.
The Daily Mirror runs a story describing how boy scouts carried out "good turns" by helping nurses with their work at Paddington Hospital, London. The scouts helped to clean the wards and would occasionally look after male patients.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his review of the first six months of the budget year said, "I appreciate the part women have played in stopping their husbands or other subordinates from spending too much. I hope they will continue to exercise these controls at which they are far more adept than the government ever could be".
The first dry photocopier is unveiled at a meeting of the Optical Society of America in Detroit. The 600lbs machine, developed by Chester Carlson, was nicknamed the Ox Box. It was too complicated and too expensive to compete with existing wet copiers - it required 14 different manual operations to photocopy successfully.