NHS 50
Your NHS
The Debate for Our Future
The Debate for Our Future

About the Conference
Satellite Sessions
Focus Groups
Fringe Sessions
RCN Sessions
Futures Arena

The Debate for Our Future
NHS Voices
Madingley Scenarios
Citizens Voices
An International Voice
Our Shared Agenda
Join the Debate

NHS Voices
Madingley Scenarios
Citizens Voices
An International Voice

'The Debate for our Future'

A message from David Dimbleby

The 50th Anniversary of the NHS is rapidly approaching. Preparations are being made to mark the anniversary with the All Our Tommorows event at Earl's Court from 1st - 3rd July.

The 50th Anniversary is of course a time to celebrate past achievements. However it also provides us with a timely and important opportunity to look forward.

On the afternoon of July 1st I will be hosting the Future Issues Debate which will address one of the most crucial subjects of today - exactly how the NHS will respond to the medical, social, ethical and financial challenges of the future.

The Future Issues Debate will bring together some of the world's leading minds in future planning from both within and outside the NHS. It is the culmination of four major strands of work.

Above all the Future Issues Debate is a unique opportunity for YOU to air your views and opinions on the way forward for the NHS.

Your views are important both before the actual debate as well as on the day and afterwards. I would ask you to add your own thoughts and comments to the growing body of opinion that will shape the July 1st session and its future findings. You can do this by responding on to the debate.

At the conference the Future Issues session will open up new future worlds through the innovative use of audio-visual material and presentations. Worlds that throw up a variety of new challenges and opportunities in the realm of health provision. Worlds that ask awkward questions of us and demand novel solutions.

But those issues are already out there to be explored. On this website is some important background information that will shape our thinking on July 1st.

The Future Issues Debate is fundamental to the way the NHS will shape and adapt itself to the future. It is your opportunity to help shape that future.

Because the future of the NHS is of course your future.

How will the debate move forward?

The four strands

  • NHS Voices - two pieces of work have explored the views and aspirations of people who work in the NHS. The largest part of this work has been the canvassing of all conference participants for their priorities for the NHS. If you haven't completed a questionnaire yet please visit the project web site.
  • The Madingley Scenarios - this section presents two possible images of how society may be in 2020 - one orange, one purple . These stories are used as a backcloth when we consider how to take forward the other three strands of work.
  • Citizen's Voices - a number of "deliberative groups" have been held around the UK. From these an agenda of ideas are shared in a open letter from a selection of our fellow citizens.
  • An International Voice - on the major challenges ahead is provided by the American expert on the NHS, Professor Donald Light.
  • Our Shared Agenda - We will work with a shared agenda drawn from both the NHS and Citizens' voices. It will be finalised in the days before the conference as the last results are received. It will be posted on the website on the 26th June.

You can comment on any one strand or the overall issues.

Please contact us if you have any queries or would like further information: future.issues.nhs@dial.pipex.com

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