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The Debate for Our Future
NHS Voices
Madingly Scenarios
Citizens Voices
An International Voice
Join the Debate

NHS Voices
Madingly Scenarios
Citizens Voices
An International Voice

'Conferences Voices'

'Join the Debate'

Please take the time to fill in a questionnaire on this strand of the Debate for Our Future.

You can also register your overall personal view of what you think the NHS needs to do to ensure it thrives.

Read the full text before joining in the debate

Are you:
Age Group:
Do you work for the NHS?
Please type in your occupation:

This Conference Voices questionnaire sets out in one table the 50 Values and Characteristics that were identified from the 50th Anniversary Delphi.

We would be very pleased if you would give us your views on which of these you think are important and describe your ideal health service, and your views on how well the NHS is performing in these areas today. Please read the instructions carefully!

1) Values and Characteristics: In the left hand column below please indicate which of the values and characteristics you believe to be most important. You have twenty-five votes. You can give all twenty-five to one value, one each to twenty-five values or any combination.

2) How is the National Health Service doing? In the right hand column below, please score how well you believe the NHS is living up to all the values and characteristics listed.

1 = Very poorly 2 = poorly 3= well 4 = very well

This column is for your votes on values. The total votes in the left hand columns should add up to twenty-five.   This column is for your score on how the NHS matches up. For each line you should have a score from 1-4

Votes on Values NHS
1) Emergency care available 24hrs a day
2) Funding arranged to relieve financial fear when illness strikes
3) Encouraging local decision making and local responsibility
4) Complaints and comments taken seriously and acted on
5) Encouraging high quality research
6)True interdisciplinary and team working
7) Planning that takes the clinicians' views properly into account
8) Integrity and sound corporate governance
9) All treatment decisions fully shared with patients
10) Provides access to the most modern technologies and treatments
11) Emphasises individuals' responsibilities for their own health
12) Cost conscious staff
13) Staff satisfied with their pay and terms and conditions of service
14) Driven by community values rather than commercial values
15) Short waiting times
16) Investigation and treatment as close to home as possible
17) Open and honest policy making
18) New treatments and technology fully assessed before widely introduced
19) An emphasis on care as much as on cure
20) Led by people with a breadth of vision and experience
21) All staff well trained for their role, and with continuing in-service learning
22) Publishing details of outcomes of treatments and quality of care
23) Open to considering new methods of payment
24) Encouraging evidence based medicine
25) Staff as expert in handling people as in their technical role
26) The public is involved in the planning process
27) Approachable for those distanced by language, culture or age
28) Good information about the health care available
29) Equivalent facilities across the country
30) A wise balance between political and other pressures
31) Well organised and administered
32) Care centred around needs of the patient
33) Free at the point of delivery
34) Opportunities for alternative and complementary medicine
35) Active planning for the long term
36) Explicit and straight forward statement about the limits of service provided
37) More attention and money to the priority services and less to acute care
38) Attention to finding and using the most cost-effective treatment
39) Good quality well maintained buildings
40) Realistic responsibilities and workloads for staff
41) Possible to get appointment at times that suit the user
42) Well integrated with social services and voluntary sector
43) Managed by consent and not pressure
44) Always interested in Health Promotion
45) Lack of domination by any one profession
46) Active interested in quality and audit
47) No difference in treatment dependent on race culture or creed
48) Locally accountable in a meaningful way
49) Primary health care oriented
50) Encouraging creativity

This column is for your votes on values. The total votes in the left hand columns should add up to twenty-five.   This column is for your score on how the NHS matches up. For each line you should have a score from 1-4

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